WACADA Members,

As the semester winds down and the winter wind picks up, please take a few minutes to register for the 6th annual Winter Professional Development Workshop being offered this January at Marian University. The workshop is FREE to WACADA members in good standing and may be open to non-WACADA members if space allows (though joining the organization is highly encouraged).

Register NOW!: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8BZTJ59

Registration is limited to the first 60 participants and will close on Monday, January 2nd; a waiting list will be held if the maximum number of participants has been reached before the registration deadline.

9:45-10:15am: Registration
10:15am: Welcome and Announcements
10:45-11:45am: Concurrent Session 1

Concurrent Session 1 topics include:

  • Intrusive Advising for STEM Students #buttsinthesky #jimmyfallonstyle
  • Spread the Pain and Joy of Academic Advising: It’s a partnership

11:45am-1:00pm: Lunch and Article Discussion Roundtables
1:15-2:15pm: Concurrent Session 2

Concurrent Session 2 topics include:

  • A Mental Health Discussion for Academic Advisors
  • The Plight of Serving the Impolite

Additional workshop information, including concurrent session topics, lunch roundtable details, and event contact information are available through the registration link.