
Being a member of WACADA means you’ll have access to several professional development opportunities.


WACADA supports professional development for members by offering scholarships to cover the expenses for attending classes, workshops, seminars, conferences, or conducting original research. WACADA members can apply for a WACADA scholarship with a value up to $750. The WACADA Executive Board awards scholarships on a rolling basis throughout the membership year if funding is available.

Applicants must:

  • Be a current WACADA member*
  • Share how they will share their learning/experience with WACADA membership.

*Previous scholarship recipients may apply but will be considered after applicants who have not yet received a scholarship.

When to apply:

  • WACADA members can apply anytime. 
  • The scholarship funding year coincides with the membership year.
  • At least one month before the professional development event or activity

How to apply:

Applicants should email wacada@wacada.org with the following information to apply:

  • Contact information: name, institution, department or office, your position title, mailing address, phone, e-mail.
  • Brief description of the research or professional development activity for which this scholarship will be used.
  • Explanation about how the activity relates to advising and how it will benefit you, your department, and the students you work with
  • Explanation about how you will share the professional development experience with colleagues at your institution, or at a seminar, workshop, or conference (such as WACADA or NACADA). Some examples are:
    • Write a summary for a WACADA blog post
    • Record a short video for WACADA social media
    • Submit a presentation proposal for a WACADA conference or Professional Development Workshop, or a NACADA regional or national conference
    • Submit a proposal for a NACADA publication
  • Total scholarship amount requested and a detailed list of budget/costs and indicate how you’re funding other portions of the activity (i.e., department support, other grants, personal funds)
    • You may request a maximum of $750; note that the WACADA scholarship is considered a last dollar scholarship. 

After you apply:

  • Allow up to two weeks for the Executive Board to review your application. An Executive Board member will email you to confirm the decision on your scholarship application.
  • The Board must receive confirmation of acceptance of the scholarship before funds will be disbursed.
  • Scholarship recipients will be announced in the newsletter/blog and at the annual WACADA Conference.

For more information contact Danny Schindler, Past President via email at wacada@wacada.org.