
Being a member of WACADA means you’ll have access to several professional development opportunities.


The WACADA Awards are intended to recognize individuals who work with, for, and in support of students in an academic advising capacity, and those who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to the profession of academic advising. These awards are available to all individuals in any institution of higher education in the State of Wisconsin.

The Process

For all awards, except the Graduate Student Scholarship, the nominator needs only to complete the Nomination Form. For more details, see corresponding section for each award category. Nominations open in late spring/early summer.

The Awards Committee, comprised of the WACADA Past President the previous year’s award winners, will review all nominations and make selections prior to the Annual WACADA Conference. Awards are given annually and presented at the WACADA Fall Annual Conference.

Nomination Timeline: Begins in late spring/early summer through early August (members will receive an email when Awards nominations are open)
Award Categories: (see descriptions below)
Questions? Email wacada@wacada.org.

Faculty/Staff Categories

Advising Excellence Award (up to 2@ $150.00 each)

Nominees for this award will be evaluated on effective advising qualities and practices that distinguish the nominee as an outstanding academic advisor. The criteria for this award are consistent with the criteria for the NACADA national awards guidelines. Evidence may include, but is not limited to:

  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Availability & frequency of contact with advisees
  • Appropriate referral activity
  • Meeting advisees in informal settings
  • Use of appropriate information sources
  • Opportunity for advisee feedback and/or advisee evaluations
  • Caring attitude & behavior which builds strong relationships with advisees
  • Monitoring student progress toward academic and career goals
  • Mastery of institutional regulations, policies and procedures
  • Ability to engage in developmental advising (career and life planning)
  • Attendance at and support of advisor development programs
  • Perception by colleagues of nominee’s advising skills
  • Institutional recognition of nominee for outstanding advising

Advising Profession Impact Award (1 @ $150.00)

Designed to recognize faculty or full-time advisors who have five or fewer years of experience in advising (at any institution) and have made significant impact in their unit, on campus, or in the field of advising.

Faculty Advisor Excellence Award (1@ $150.00 and one-year WACADA membership)

Nominees for this award will be evaluated on effective advising qualities and practices that distinguish the nominee as an outstanding faculty advisor. The criteria for this award are consistent with the criteria for the NACADA national awards guidelines. Evidence may include, but is not limited to:

  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Availability & frequency of contact with advisees
  • Willingness to advise and treat the student as an individual of worth and potential that will make the collegiate experience both memorable and positive
  • Appropriate referral to information on careers, curricula, scheduling, college success, etc.
  • Assist and guide students in developing a program outline (to include internships, co-ops, study abroad, practicum and other options that are specific to the major)
  • Effectively facilitate student decision making
  • Provide guidance and support to students in the work they do in their chosen major
  • Monitor student progress toward academic and career goals
  • Mastery of institutional regulations, policies and procedures
  • Attendance at and support of advisor development programs
  • Perception by colleagues of nominee’s advising skills
  • Institutional recognition of nominee for outstanding advising

Foundation Award (1@ $150.00)

This award recognizes an advising office staff member whose hard work and dedication positively influences the students’ perceptions of the unit and/or the overall functioning of the unit. Nominees should have demonstrated commitment to overall office operations. Offices that serve students day-in and day-out depend on competent, professional and committed individuals that make it possible for advisors to do their work. Nominee’s may either be the first person a student meets in offices, or the person who works “behind the scenes” in the successful administration of an advising program or unit.

Leadership Award (1@ $150.00)

In the spirit of WACADA’s founding members, the Leadership Award intends to recognize individuals strong in leadership skills. Nominees must be a member and demonstrated leader of the WACADA organization as well as in the field of academic advising.

Outstanding Achievement Award (1@ $150.00)

To recognize outstanding achievement and longevity in advising. Nominees must have a minimum of 10 years in the advising profession (at any institution). They should show a record of excellence in their own areas, as well as distinctive contributions to the university or college as a whole (for example, committee work or volunteer work beyond the scope of their offices) and/or distinguished achievement in developing new, creative and effective programs for meeting student needs.

Student Categories

Graduate Student Award (1@ $150.00)

This award intends to recognize Grad students who:

  • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of coursework and applies this knowledge to practice
  • Demonstrate leadership and a commitment to the advancement of the advising profession
  • Foster student development (cognitive, career, identity, personal) through advising and strive to create effective advising partnerships with students

Peer Advisor Award (up to 3@ $50.00 each)

This award recognizes student peers who contribute in instrumental ways to many advising offices. Selection is based on a variety of criteria to include evidence of effective qualities and practices that distinguish the nominee as an outstanding peer advisor. In the nomination form, nominators should confirm their nominee’s current year in college as well as evidence of the nominee’s:

  • Contributions
  • Unique strengths and ideas
  • Leadership/involvement at their campus

Graduate Student Scholarship (2@ $30.00)

This award will allow current students in advising or related fields to join WACADA. We’ll provide a one year membership and pay registration for the recipient(s) to attend the WACADA annual conference. Award winners will be announced and funds disbursed at the WACADA fall conference.
Applicants must be enrolled in a graduate school program focusing on academic advising or related field; must be a full or part time graduate student who is not working full time; must use Professional Development Grant for WACADA membership and conference.
Process: Applicants must submit a brief statement regarding your current field of study and why you feel you should receive a professional development grant and a letter of recommendation from current advisor or faculty.


Congratulations to our 2024 WACADA Award Winners!

Advising Excellence:

  • Janelle Davis, UW-Platteville
  • Maisee Her, UW-Madison
  • Molly Wandersee, UW-Oshkosh
  • Stacy Harnett, UW-Madison

Faculty Advisor Excellence: Dr. Amanda Tucker, UW-Platteville

Outstanding Achievement in Advising: Dr. Charles Cunningham, Madison College

Leadership: Lauren Bach, UW-Eau Claire

Advising Profession Impact: Tracey Maloney, UW-Madison